into the Club Surrrface

千葉県大網白里市にある Club Surrrface surf shopのブログです:- ]

Surfboards by Ryan Engle☺︎ parallaxモデル

Club Surrrface surf shop🏡南カリフォルニア🌴の天才シェイパー🙌Ryan Engle🕴@surfboards_by_ryan_engle から 間も無く入荷の 今までにないフィーリング👣を味わえること間違いないHull➕LOngboard を融合させたモデル✌︎✌︎➡︎ ▶︎ #parallax Cj Nelson🕴@cj_nelson も絶賛のこのモデル⚡️⚡︎彼のサーフィンを変えたいまだかつてない新鮮且つ自然なフィーリングの板だとCjは言っています🎵さらにはRyan🕴のシェイプする板なしには、彼の今のサーフィンスタイルは無いとまで言ってます🎵@surfboards_by_ryan_engle ぜひみなさんにもこのスペシャルなフィーリング👣を✨☺︎✌︎✌︎・Repost @cj_nelson with @get_repost・・・Outtake 5/25/18 New project from @surfcraftcleveland. 📽 @tahneinei. •The Injury happened training to better my surfing. A squat and a lift and I tore my hamstring and slipped a disc in my lower back. After a few opinions it was going to be a very long time until I could surf again...maybe never on the same level.•I had already booked a trip to Mexico in a couple months before I got hurt. I asked @surfboards_by_ryan_engle to study up on hulls and shape me a couple so at least if I stood up in Mexico, It’d feel good. Little did I know how important those conversations and boards would be.•Lots of physical therapy later I was on my way. Low expectations and great surfboards. I slowly edged my way into a comfort zone of flow and ended up discovering a place in longboard surfing I had never been. Pure feel.•The injury set me on a path of discovery that I wouldn’t change for the world now. A path that has a lifetime of trajectory and inspiration.•If you erase the crowds, trends, spectators and opinions....what do you get? Your true self.•So grateful for Ryan, his open mind and incredible craftsmanship. My surfing would look nothing like it does without him. #parallax....#AWOKE#cjnelsondesigns@flyingdiamondsofcalifornia @thunderbolt_technologies_japan





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